The judicial commission set up to probe the reasons behind the Maha Kumbh incident has reached Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. They will visit Sangam Ghat and investigate the cause and circumstances of the incident. The Commission will also hold a meeting with the officials involved in the arrangements and management of the large-scale event. On Wednesday, the incident claimed 30 lives and 60 were injured in the Sangam area of the Maha Kumbh. The commission will submit its report within one month. They will also recommend measures to prevent such incidents in the future. The three-member judicial commission is headed by a retired Judge of Allahabad High court Harsh Kumar.
Our correspondent reports that Uttar Pradesh Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh and DGP Prashant Kumar also visited Sangam Ghat at Mahakumbh yesterday and inspected the incident area.
In the wake of the upcoming Basant Panchami Amrit Snan, the Uttar Pradesh government has asked the mela authority to ensure zero error in arrangements. The maximum officers will be deployed in high-density areas, with SP-level officers stationed at border points to enhance coordination and crowd management. It has issued necessary guidelines and asked to make this 3rd Amrit Snan a seamless experience for devotees. The government has emphasized the need to prevent excessive crowding at Sangam Nose during the Amrit Snan. It has also directed that multi-level barricading should be implemented to regulate the flow of devotees and that the diversion plan must be strictly enforced.