22.3 C
Friday, September 20, 2024



Imran Khan Has Failed in Delivering Good Governance

Good governance is minimum government and real devolution of administration. Pakistan’s challenge has been the inability of its leaders to understand that everything does...

Pakistan Blasphemy Laws “Forced Evil On Minority”

akistan’s Blasphemy Laws Pakistan’s blasphemy laws carry a potential death sentence for anyone who insults Islam. This is mainly used as a tool to persecute...

Denial and Lies Will Not Fix Pakistan’s Battered Economy

Pakistan’s economy has often faced crises but for the last 2.5 years, ever since Prime Minister Imran Khan’s PTI led government came to power,...

Human rights group from Kashmir asks UN to probe mass graves in Gilgit, Balochistan

In a bid to highlight the plight of minority communities in Pakistan, a human rights group from Kashmir has issued a memorandum calling on...

Malalas vs Terroristan: In Backdrop of the FATF Noose

As the Nobel Laureate grills Imran and Bajwa on How TTP spokesperson Managed to Escape A Pakistani Taliban militant who nine years ago had shot...

Pakistan ramps up its ‘deception game’ as FATF deadline approaches

Pakistan has adopted a three-pronged approach to get out of the FATF watchlist, and prevent itself from sliding into the 'black list'. PARIS: As the...

Pakistan hasn’t done enough to be white-listed by FATF

Ahead of the Financial Action Task Force's plenary meeting scheduled to be held later this month, many countries said that Pakistan has not done...

Must read