Union Home Minister Amit Shah has said that significant success has been achieved against terrorism, left-wing extremism, insurgency and narcotics in the past 10 years. Addressing a valedictory function at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration in Mussoorie, Mr Shah said, the firm policies of the Narendra Modi government at the Centre has yielded the desired result. Home Minister asserted that Left-wing extremism will be eradicated completely by March 31, 2026. He said, terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, Left Wing Extremism, insurgency in the northeast and narcotics are the four major challenges before the country. Mr Shah said, the implementation of the three new criminal laws, replacing 150-year-old British-era laws is expected to increase the conviction rate to 90 per cent, making the country’s justice system the most modern in the world.
Major progress achieved against terrorism, extremism, and narcotics in last decade