In a tragic and preventable incident, three pregnant women in Neelum Valley, Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK), lost their lives during childbirth due to the absence of timely medical aid. This heartbreaking event once again highlights Pakistan’s systematic neglect of PoJK, where basic healthcare and infrastructure have been ignored for 77 years.
The region, riddled with poor road networks and underdeveloped healthcare facilities, continues to suffer under Islamabad’s apathy. Neelum Valley residents are forced to endure dangerous conditions, with many unable to access essential services. This neglect disproportionately affects vulnerable groups like pregnant women, who face life-threatening situations due to the lack of emergency medical care.
An activist Fatima Dar condemned the tragedy on social media, writing on her Twitter handle:
“In Neelum Valley, #POJK, three pregnant women tragically lost their lives during delivery because they didn’t receive medical aid in time. For 77 years, Pákistan abandoned #POJK, neglecting even the most basic healthcare & road infrastructure. Life is a nightmare in #POJK.”
Her post has resonated widely, drawing attention to the dire state of affairs in PoJK and sparking calls for accountability.
Many others openly called out the state failure for this heart wrenching tragedy!
This tragedy exposes the stark reality behind Pakistan’s rhetoric about development in PoJK. Decades of exploitation and neglect have left the region’s population without access to fundamental necessities like healthcare, clean water, and proper roads.
International observers and human rights activists have long criticized Pakistan for treating PoJK as a colony, exploiting its resources while ignoring the basic rights of its residents. The recent deaths in Neelum Valley are a grim reminder of the human cost of this neglect.
The people of PoJK deserve more than hollow promises—they deserve dignity, development, and the right to live without fear of preventable tragedies. It is time for Pakistan to take responsibility for its failure and make meaningful investments in the region’s infrastructure and healthcare. Until then, the suffering of PoJK’s people will remain a damning indictment of Pakistan’s indifference.